Author Archives: Ehsan Monfared

Developments in Non-Citizen Trusts and Business Aviation

It has recently come to our attention that one American financial institutions acting as owner trustees for the purposes of aircraft registration under the United States FAA Aircraft Registry system, had begun denouncing their appointments as trustees and commencing the process for either transferring or collapsing the existing trust structures.BackgroundUnder the rules for registering aircraft […]

Standing (Blanket) Special Flight Operations Certificates

For example, when the top of the Toronto’s CN Tower was lifted into place using a helicopter, it was carried out in accordance with and under the authority of an SFOC. To date, Transport Canada has reacted relatively swiftly in dealing with the rapidly expanding demand for commercial UAV operations. In addition to the two […]

Freight Drones Will Revitalize Canada’s Remote Communities

As the civilian drone industry begins down the long road of regulatory legitimization, Canada’s remote communities stand to be unique beneficiaries of the possibilities that this new technology represents. Back in 2010, I had the privilege of partaking in the Katimavik program – a community-service program that sent me to places in this country that […]

Transport Canada’s Safety Management Systems (SMS) Non-Punitive Reporting Policy

We were recently consulted by a client concerning an aviation enforcement action that was being undertaken by Transport Canada. The Enforcement Officer alleged certain violations of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) on the basis of a report filed under the company’s Safety Management Systems (SMS). The pilot, who had filed the report, was the only […]